Isnt Beliz from south America!? Top 5 of some important facts of Belize mainland.

Isnt Beliz from south America!?
Top 5 of some important facts of Belize mainland.

 By: Emilyn Ochoa Merlano & Karolay Dayana López Hernández

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                Are you Latin-American? If you are maybe you've thought that all countries that made part of Central America were all spanish-speakers, well, a part of the Belizean people do. But then, if it is not Spanish, what is the language they mainly speak? Did you guessed? 

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This and some other facts make part of our Top of curiosities about Belize the you might not know, so we're going to share them with you.

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           Peter Wallace, a daring scotch buccaneer that got to the cayes and reefs that were around one coast of the late and then unknown balize, was refuging from the Spaniards together with his followers in the 17th century. The river that went by their location was named after his name by his followers.
           After that all the surrounding territory was supposed to be called by the name of  Wallace because of the river, but then different misspellings on Spanish reports, maps and letters that were delivered between 1705 and 1790 turned it into how it's named since then. From Bullys (1705), Bellese (1720), and Valis (1724) to Valiz (1783), and finally Belize (1790).


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              Belize is very known because of their wide diversity of razes that have kept living until these days, like Mestizos, Mayas, creole, Garifuna and few others like east Indians and Mennonites.
              The main citizens with thousands years old remain to be Mayas (30% of the total population) , and then when the former colony of the United Kingdom introduced slavery to the continent the majority of their slaves were creole speakers, whose descendants still speak the language (30% of the population). Mexican migrated as well because of the Civil War and this days are called Mestizo and make part of the 43% of all the Belizean. And finally the rest of the freed slaves from all over the Caribbean became Garifuna (7%).


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                 Based on a popular "meme", How old were you when you realice that Beliz wasn't neither from south America nor from North America but still part of Central America?
                 And then didn't you spected them to fully speak Spanish?
                 Well, Beliz is the only central America country whose first language isn't Spanish and also the only Englishg-speaking  country in Central America, because of this last language is their first language, fallowed by Spanish of course, creole and Maya.


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              It has been widely belief that Balize mainland makes part of Honduras because of a big confusion crated by the Spaniards after calling all the land by the name of the British Honduras. So far, Belize and Honduras don't share any border.
               And Beliz is surrounded by about 400 Island, but it is not actually one of them.


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                The Belizean Nacional flag is the only in the world to defend human beings over political inclinations.
                What is more the United Democratic Party suggested a competition between the citizen to make a collaborative work, so everyone came up with a disign for the final version of the flag.


What do you think about the list? Are you in an agreement?
But wait, there is more to learn about this incredible destination, right bellow will be found main aspects of the country for you to get familiar with this small land.

General Information About Belize


Resultado de imagen para belizean flag  Belize, part of the British Honduras years ago, is a central American country which, contrary to what most people would believe, has English as its formal language. Its capital city is called ciudad de Belmopan although there is a city called after Belize.


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Its diversity of razes gave place to the creation of the flag design which has respective a mestizo an creole men in it, Being the only one to represent humans beings worldwide.


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Due to the proximity to the coast, and the moderating effects of the northeast trade winds of the caribbean, Belizean weather is going through Wet and dry seasons.

Districts of Belize

Resultado de imagen para Districts of Belize

Belizean Razes, Languages and culture

*Creole: Decents of Afican brouth as slaves by the United Kingdom.

*Garifuna: Slaves-Decendants that came from multiple parts of the continent.

*Mestizo: Spanish-speakers who inmigrated from Mexico because of the civil wars.

*Mayas, East Indian and Mennonites: Firts natives of the americans.


Belizeans people consist on being bilingual speakers so, as Mestizos that speak rather spanish or english and creoles speaking a pidgin english and/or African, thera are other comunities like the Garifunas that commonly speak an old Germanic-based language and either english or spanish. But most of belizeans will speak their native laguages and the formal ones as well.

English became the formal language of belize, which comes from its aliance to the UK and being part of the Commonwealth and  still most of belizean laguages came from different countries than UK and American natives but Africa, German and also China.

The porcentage of each laguage speaker is shown in the frafic bellow.


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Most of Belizen music is based on african and native´s cultures and until this days they´ve continued to grow the variety of genres produced by their modern musicians.


Resultado de imagen para belize punta music


                                                         BRUKDOWN (CALYPSO)



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 Belize's gastronomy has been inspired by British, American, Mexican and Caribbean. Its basic ingredients are rice and beans, often consumed with chickens, pigs, calves, fish or vegetables; coconut milk and fried plantains add a genuinely tropical flavor to dishes.

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Educational Sistem

The educational sistem that is performed in Belize is based on the British sistem (preschool, primary school, secondary school, tertiary, and adult and continuing education) and is compulsory for children aged 5 to 14.

The Ministry of Education and Sports is responsible for the school system in Belize.


Political Sistem

Belize is a Commonwealth realm, which goverment structure is based the British parlametary system and Its Legal System on the common law of england, with Queen Elizabeth II as its monarch and head of state. The also called "Queen of Belize" is being represented by the Belizean Head of goverment who is Dean Barrow, first Africant-decent to become a Belizean president, and at the same time is advised by the Executive authority or cabinet.

See Graffic:


Currency: Belizean Dolar 

National Symbols:

                And you´ve got to the end of the post...

                In case you didn't knew about Belize before and still are interested on learning more of this incredible country, feel free to look for more info in the articles we based our blog on.
                In case you've already heard of the country, we hope you've learnt a bit more and have enjoyed it also.

° No A. (No A.)  Belize Country Profile. Recovered from:
° No A. (No A.) Where is Belize located?. Recovered from:
° No A. (2020) Belize. The Commonwealth. Recover from:
